Despite their bluster during a chance encounter last week, the defendants did not show in court this morning. I got the judgment, without spending anything on these expensive lawyers (yet).
Just in case, I had gotten a sworn affidavit from the real estate agent, who was falsely implicated as giving them a lease, and a witness statement from a service person, who was there with me when the initial encounter went down. I didn't need to use them.
If the defendants had showed, I had no doubt that they would have talked themselves into losing. They were quite hostile when I was there last week with my yard man. Four people were there whom I had not seen before, and one of them tried to snatch my phone out of my hand.
A neighbor down the street said there had been about 25 cars coming to that house that day; he suspects drug activity. I'm sick to think of what they are doing to my house. I told the detective this latest info, but have received no response.
But I felt emboldened and empowered after confronting/being confronted by these skanks and laughing in their faces.
I am not stupid enought to sound the victory bell yet, but I am a few runs up at the moment and had to share one for the little guy.