I think in addition to what Robin stated above this might fall into the question of "What are you trying to accomplish?". Can you give us more information on what you are hoping to accomplish here?
If your answer is "I need to create liability and asset protection"....then JUST creating a LLC wont' do that. And to be clear, JUST going to an attorney to create an LLC won't do that either. If you ONLY created an LLC and didn't do the other 15 things that go with creating separation, then it's pointless to even create an LLC for that reason.
Now, if your answer was "I need to create one because I'm trying to open a business bank account"...then you don't need an attorney to create your LLC. You can go do it yourself. You could still use one of course, but it's not necessary.
If you could throw us what you were hoping to accomplish that might help a little better.